Post Surgical Massage to Recover From Any Surgery

Soulstice is the innovator of Peri-operative Therapy offering a unique, integrated approach to help people recover from any surgical procedure. Since 2005 Soulstice has been the rehabilitation partner and resource to surgeons in the Denver Metro area. Using massage therapy techniques and addressing the phases of healing we offer relief to swelling, scarring and postural compensation patterns after elective or reconstructive surgery. You can read through our educational articles, or contact Ann at Soulstice to learn more about how Peri-operative Therapy can help you or a loved one after any surgical procedure. 

Ten Tips to Speed up Post-Op Recovery

Instead of merely lying around and waiting for time to heal your surgical wounds, engage in some simple proactive tools to help the recovery process.

Instead of merely lying around and waiting for time to heal your surgical wounds, engage in some simple proactive tools to help the recovery process:

1. Diet - eating well for recovery.

Reduce salt. Salt encourages our body to retain water, so get rid of unwanted swelling by eating foods that are low in sodium.

No Gatorade. It may seem counterintuitive, but the sports drink is filled with sodium encouraging water retention.

Increase protein. Protein is essential with wound healing, muscle and skin re-growth and repair and prevention of hair loss. Make sure that every meal or snack includes a good source of protein.

Decrease Sugar. The intake of sugar can suppress the immune system, upset the body's mineral balance, and increase fasting levels of blood glucose.

Eat small amounts many times throughout the day. - Especially to avoid nausea and bloating.

Wine works as a diuretic, so consuming a glass of wine 2-3 weeks post-operatively may be helpful for post-surgical swelling. Do not mix alcohol with any prescription drugs and consult with your physician first.

Consume a quality probiotic. Antibiotics and other prescription drugs will destroy good bacterial in our gut. We recommend Inner-Eco – a fresh coconut water probiotic.

2. Move! - increase circulation and the flow of lymph fluid.

Walk. Rest for the first 24 hours, and then slowly get back into your normal daily activities as tolerated. In the early stages of post-surgical recovery many physicians request that heart rate is not to be elevated. We suggest walking in your neighborhood or mall at a normal shopping pace - not an exercise pace. You can do this without raising your heart rate for any length of time. Quit if you experience fatigue, dizziness or experience nausea.

3. Hydration - drink low-calorie, non-carbonated beverages.

We suggest Water, Skim Milk, Diet Nestea, Diet V-8 Splash, Tea, Diluted Fruit Juice (about 4 oz. /day), Flavored water (i.e. Propel) and Crystal Light. - stay away from Gatorade due to high levels of sodium

Watermelon. In addition to this tasty fruit there are a number of high water content fruits and vegetables including strawberries, grapefruit, zucchini and celery.

4. Rest - listening to the needs of your body.

A week or so after your surgery your conscious mind may be telling you that you 'should' be getting back to your 'normal' life. Remember that your body's acting in a trauma mode for 6 weeks following the surgery. Heed what it's telling you to do. Sleep if it says that you're tired, eat if you experience hunger pains and drink if you feel thirsty. 

5. Soulstice Peri-operative Therapy - our integrated manual post-operative techniques.

Lymph Drainage. Reduces unwanted and unneeded post surgical swelling. 

Fascial Reorganization. Reduces lumps, bumps, tightened connective tissue and muscle.

Facilitated Stretching. Aids and guides patients back to proper mobility and function.

Scar Manipulation. Combats scar thickening and normalizes soft tissue.

Stress Reduction. Calms the nervous system and alleviates post-op depression and ‘buyer’s remorse’.

6. Clothing - knowing what to wear.

Itching. Consider using a men's basic tank top underneath your compression garment for itching issues. These t-shirts are nice and snug and conform to the body, unlike a regular t-shirt would. Don't hesitate to cut to size.

Drain Holders. Consider attaching shoe strings to your drains to help in the shower.

No Tight Waistbands. Avoid wearing anything that's binding in the midsection following a lipo procedure. That includes elastic waistbands and belts.

Compression Garments. If you've been directed to wear one, be sure to purchase two, so that you can wash one while wearing the other. When garments become loose remember that they're not working anymore. After your physician says you can stop wearing a compression garment, some patients still choose to wear it for support and comfort.

7. Stretching

Large Exercise Ball. Use to stretch post-surgically and break up adhesions (great after lipo procedures) Rotate in all directions. Lay on back, sides and stomach.

8. Self Massage - in between treatments at Soulstice.

Mechanical Massage Units. Great for 'at home' self massage - especially for tummy tuck and lipo procedures. Be sure to find one that adjusts for intensity and remember your numbness will not give you an accurate sense of how deep it’s working. Back off, and remember that in this situation less-is-more. Consider using at 6 weeks post op and beyond.

9. Scar Care

How to minimize a scar. There are many ideas as to decreasing the size of a surgical scar. We've discovered that the applicator, a.k.a. your finger(s), is the most effective tool to help minimize your scar. The act of 'rubbing' the scar is the best way to stimulate blood flow, and increase the flow of skin-rejuvenating oxygen and nutrients.

Ointments. Some of these include vitamin C, silicone dressing, or Mederma scar cream. While these may or may not be effective, we have found that applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly on a completely closed and sealed scar, and covering with an adhesive bandage, is the best way to minimize the appearance, feel, and look of a scar.

Silicone Sheeting. Helps to keep a scar warm and moist, therefore aids in scar healing.

Sunscreen! Newly formed scar tissue has no pigmentation. Avoid sun exposure on your scar for a minimum of one year after your surgery. Sun exposure on scars may cause permanent discoloration. A stick sunscreen will provide the most protection. Alternatively, a sunscreen lotion with a minimum of SPF 15, broad-spectrum protection and Parsol 1789 is also acceptable. Be sure to check with your physician for their particular sun screen recommendations.

10. Itching

Sarna Ultra Anti-itch Lotion. This product may be found at a local drugstore.

Disclaimer: This material is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

The information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, based on the best judgement available to the authors. Readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. In addition, the information and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor. Soulstice acknowledges occasional differences in opinion and welcomes the exchange of different viewpoints. In addition, Soulstice, Ltd. is not responsible for errors or omissions.

2011 Soulstice, Ltd.©

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