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Relieve Pain. Restore Health. Recover Faster.

Innovators of Peri-operative Therapy, Guiding You Along Your Healing Journey.

Client-Focused Pre & Post Operative Therapy

Peri-operative Therapy

Our revolutionary pre and post surgical therapies are gentle techniques that enhance healing and ease pain.

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Injury & Accident Recovery

Our specific manual therapies are designed to aid in recovery from traumatic injury. We treat those who’ve been injured on the job or in an auto accident.

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Health Maintenance Massage

Massage is a powerful ally to maintain optimal health. Manage stress, nerve pain, anxiety, insomnia or simply feel better in your body by incorporating massage therapy.

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Soulstice peri-operative massage therapy raises the industry standard of care.

We've developed a client-centered pre and post surgical treatment to facilitate healing, called Peri-operative Therapy. Gentle manual techniques that assist in the healing process and have proven helpful in reducing recovery time, softening scar tissue, alleviating pain, and reducing swelling and bruising.

Soulstice therapists are highly skilled in many soft tissue techniques to meet a variety of client needs from Health Maintenance to Injury and Accident Recovery. We customize your therapy focusing on your symptoms to help you recover faster or just maintain your optimal levels of health.

The Healing Journey

Undergoing any surgical procedure means inducing physical trauma. Soulstice developed a client-centered pre and post surgical massage treatment to help alleviate pain and expedite the healing process. We call it Peri-operative Therapy. These gentle pain-free manual massage techniques accelerate your recovery, soften scar tissue, and reduce swelling and bruising.

Once you are able to get up and move around, you are ready to receive post surgical massage Peri-operative Therapy. We begin treating clients as soon as 24 to 48 hours after surgery, prompting accelerated healing right away and cutting down on time spent in bed. For optimal results, clients who come in two to three times a week for the first few weeks after their surgery experience dramatic results for an expedited recovery.

We begin by tackling inflammation, the leading cause of cell deterioration and tissue death. In this initial phase of healing, directly after a procedure, we use lymphatic drainage to facilitate the flow of excess swelling in the surgical area and surrounding tissue. By mobilizing this stagnant lymphatic fluid, inflammation is reduced and washed away.

Additionally, post surgical massage called Peri-operative Therapy increases the flow of endorphins, allowing clients to receive welcome feelings of relaxation and well-being. This, combined with a visible reduction in swelling and bruising, can provide immediate, positive results.

Lymphatic drainage, scar therapy, cupping and myofascial release are a few techniques used during our sessions. Each session is customized to your current healing phase.

Building Relationships for Life

At the core of who we are is the relationships that we build each and every day. We may touch a client’s life once, or for years – through many phases of life. The depth and breadth of our client relationships and healthcare referral sources help define who we are.

What Our Clients Are Saying